with Merten Larisch from Verbraucherzentrale Bayern
!!! Attention: The Workshop takes place online via Zoom !!!
Also or especially in times when the unequal treatment of life plans is particularly prominent, we would like to provide you with tips on how to take care of yourself beyond the moment!
Reality shows that women in particular need to make considerably more provision for old age in order to be able to afford the same living standard at retirement age as men. The reasons for this are their lower wages and therefore also lower pensions. The same principles applies to many female freelance artists – so what do you have to bear in mind when planning your own or your family’s finances?
How much money do we need after retirement and how much should be put aside for your personal pension plan? What are the advantages and disadvantages of different provision schemes? Merten Larisch from the Verbraucherzentrale Bayern München will address those questions in his talk and will answer the participants’ questions afterwards.
Schwerpunkte des Vortrags:
- Which existential risks do I have to hedge before start saving for my pension?
- Houshold-Check: How much money can I put aside for my pension?
- Calculation of the estimated costs at retirement age
- Determination of the necessary savings rate for the cost requirement
- Advantages and disadvantages of these saving and pension plans:
- Riester-, Rürup- and employee pension
- Bank and ETF index fund savings plans
- classic and unit-linked pension plans
- How do I compare these products, how do I choose the right one and where do I buy them?
June 26, 2020 | 2 to 4 pm
Max. 16 participants | Registration via hello@theaterbueromuenchen.de
After we confirmed your registration, we will send you the zoom link and further information regarding the talk.
Due to the current situation, the Theaterbüro forgoes a participation fee.