Due to the current Corona number we decided to let this workshop take place digitally via Zoom. Nevertheless, we try to make this workshop as interactive as possible for you.
From 10.30 AM on
Get together in the digital space before the workshop
11.00 AM– 1 PM
Text-Input with Miriam Althammer
Together with Miriam Althammer we will dedicate ourselves to the textual presentation of your project idea. What does it take to get the concept from your head onto paper – clear, understandable and interesting?
Miriam Althammer is a research associate at the Centre for Contemporary Dance at the ochschule für Musik und Tanz Cologne with the focus on “archive media arts”. Until 2019 she was a lecturer for theatre studies at the University of Bayreuth and at the BA Dance of the Dance Academy Krakow. She studied Dance and Theatre Studies well as Art History at Munich and Bern. In addition, she has been working as a journalist and author (including the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Bavarian State Opera, Munich Feuilleton) and as an editor for the online magazine tanznetz.de since 2011. As a dramaturg and curator, she has accompanied various projects, mostly at the interface between the performative and visual arts.
2 – 4 PM
Financial Planung and where-used lists with members of the Tanzbüro Munich
A solid, comprehensible calculation is the basis of every project application – we will explain what needs to be considered.
4.30 – 6 PM
Speed-Dating with deputies from the Department of Culture (City of Munich), the jury and members of the Tanzbüro and Theaterbüro München
Like last year, our experts are available for you in 15 min Q&A slots to clarify the last mysteries around a perfect funding application.
November 13, 2020 I 11 AM – 6 PM
Online via Zoom
ATTENTION: limited number of participants
Registration via hello@theaterbueromuenchen.de