It’s application time in Munich! Therefore, the Tanz- and Theaterbüro Munich offer their workshop about application funding.
10 AM – 2 PM How to Write a Project Text for funding application? with Matthias Schulze-Kraft
Input by Matthias Schulze-Kraft (Artistic Director of Lichthof Theater Hamburg) – German only.
1-2 PM Lunch Break
2-4 PM Basic-Input about funding forms, finances and source and disposition statement, German and English
or: Advanced Input about federal funding
Infos with Anna Donderer, Tina Mess and Simone Schulte-Aladag from Theater- and Tanzbüro
16-16:30 PM Coffee Break
4:30-6 PM Speed-Dating Session
The Tanz- and Theaterbüro and further experts are available for 15-minute Q&As.
Friday , October 15, 2021 I 10 AM – 6 PM
Labor Ateliers | Studio 1 | Dachauer Straße 112D, 80636 München
The number of participants is limited.
Registration via
Please be aware that you can only participate when you can provice a 3-G-cerificate.