Feb 1, 2022

How To – Rehearsal Spaces in Munich


Studio A 
Lindwurmstraße 88 / 5. Stock, 80337 Munich
340 qm


  • Media cart (CD player, DVD/VHS player, TV, RCA cable) 
  • Connections for media trolleys at both ends of the hall 
  • 4 speakers: two at the front, two at the back of the hall 
  • Mirror wall: Can be covered with existing curtain if necessary 
  • Special feature: column in the front third of the room

More information: Studio A

Studio B          
Lindwurmstraße 88 / 5. Stock, 80337 Munich
200 qm


  • Media cart (CD player, DVD/VHS player, TV)
  • Connections for media trolleys at both ends of the hall 
  • 4 speakers: two at the front, two at the back of the hall 

More information: Studio B

Studio C
Lindwurmstraße 88 / 5. Stock, 80337 Munich
95 qm


  • Media trolley (CD player, DVD player, TV, 2 speakers, connection MP3 player/ laptop etc. possible) 
  • 3-4 mirror walls (individual, flexibly adjustable parts) 
  • Special feature: CD player can only control song beginnings, no positions within a track

More information: Studio C

Informationen on bookings: TanzTendenz

Halle 6/ Labor Ateliers

Labor Ateliers / Studio 1
Dachauerstraße 112d, Tor 1 + 2, 80636 München   
77 qm (7 x 11 m)        

Labor Ateliers / Studio 2
Dachauerstraße 112d, Tor 1 + 2, 80636 Munich
90 qm (6 x 15 m)

Labor Ateliers / Studio 3
Dachauerstraße 112d, Tor 1 + 2, 80636 Munich
90 qm (6 x 15 m)

Labor Ateliers / Werkstatt
Dachauerstraße 112d, Tor 1 + 2, 80535 München
15 x 11 m – nicht für Tanz- oder Theaterproben geeignet

More information on the spaces and booking here: Halle 6


MUCCA Kommandoraum (zugelassen für 40 Leute)
Schwere-Reiter-Str. 2, 80637 München

MUCCA Dramaturgieraum (zugelassen für 15 Leute)
Schwere-Reiter-Str. 2, 80637 München

MUCCA Halle  (zugelassen für 150 Leute)
Schwere-Reiter-Str. 2, 80637 München

Mehr Informationen zu den Räumen hier: MUCCA Räume
Informationen zu den Kosten hier: MUCCA Raumkosten
Informationen zur Buchung hier: Buchung Kontakt


Studio 1
Zellstrasse 4, 81667 Munich
260 qm
equipped with own WC and shower area

Studio 2
Zellstrasse 4, 81667 Munich           
210 qm
More information: Muffathalle Studios

Informationen on booking: Muffathalle Kontakt

HochX Rehearsal Spaces

Auenstraße 19a, 1. Stock, 80469 Munich
110 qm
Additional side room and toilets, tables and chairs, sound system and dance floor.

Auenstraße 2
Auenstraße 19, 1. Stock, 80469 Munich
110 qm
Additional toilets, tables and chairs, sound system and dance floor.

Kistlerhofstraße 70, Haus 60, 3. Stock, 81379 Munich
107 qm
Barrier-free access, shared lounge area, toilets and showers

More information and booking here: HochX

Luise Kultur

Room 4 | LUISE dances
Ruppertstraße 5, 80337 Munich
70 qm
Suitable for: Workshops, dance and other movement formats
Extra: swinging floor, mirror wall with curtain, beamer, changing room

Hall| LUISE plays
Ruppertstraße 5, 80337 Munich
250 qm
Suitable for: Theater, readings, music, conferences, etc.
Extras: stage, beamer, artists’ dressing rooms with WC

More information about the rooms and booking: Luise Kultur Räume

schwere reiter Rehearsal Space

Dachauer Straße 116
80636 Munich

More information and booking here: schwere reiter Probenraum

Pasinger Fabrik 

Studio 1
August-Exter-Str. 1 · 81245 Munich

Studio 2
August-Exter-Str. 1 · 81245 Munich

Information about booking: Pasinger Fabrik Räume