As part of our series initiated with the Theaterbüro 2021, which focuses on thinking about diversity development for cultural workers, we are offering a two-day workshop on Audio Description with Quiplash in February.
In the first session we will focus on some general disability awareness, blind awareness and audio description methods. The class will include some practical exercises.
In the second session we will explore what it means to integrate audio description into performance, this class will also include some practical exercises.
The sessions will be intensive but run in a relaxed way. By this we mean there will be a lot of information in the session, but how/if you interact with it is up to you.
Quiplash is a queer, disability led performance project headed by actual queer crip married couple Al and Amelia Lander-Cavallo. Quiplash has two strands. They do performance and art making such as with their ongoing project Unsightly Drag and Friends, a cabaret and drag show that features Deaf and disabled queer performers. They also work as access consultants with a specialism in integrated audio description. Recent clients include The Barbican, the Wellcome Collection and The Place.
Thursday, February 17th I 1:30 PM – 5 PM, including a break
Friday, February 18th | 12 AM – 3:30 PM
Max. 12 Participants
Fee for material expenses: 15 € – please bring them to the workshop
Please be aware that you can only participate when you can provice a 3-G-cerificate.
Registration via hello@theaterbueromuenchen.de