Jul 7, 2022

Any questions? – Open consultation of Tanzbüro and Theaterbüro München


You have an idea for a project and don’t know how to approach it organizationally? Your calculations still need some fine-tuning? What is the Künstlersozialkasse and how do you get in? You are looking for lighting designers or stage designers. What kind of insurance do you need as a freelance artist? And what about contracts?

You can find answers to all these and other questions about production in the independent performing arts at the open Zoom consultation hours of the Dance and Theater Office. If it is foreseeable that there is a need for further advice, individual appointments can be arranged.

Consultation possible in German and English.

Dates in the first half year

Fr, January 14, 2022, 11-12 AM

Fr, April 1, 2022, 11-12 AM

Fr, July 07, 2022, 11-12 AM

Please register in advance at info@tanzbueromuenchen.de. You will then receive the zoom link.